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Wealth Management Practice By and For Women Only

San Diego based wealth management firm, HohyleCohen, affiliate of Focus Financial Partners, has launched a separate practice group staffed by women and targeted at women — specifically high-net-worth women over 45 who own their own businesses, are going through...

IRS Offers Amnesty for Off-Shore Accounts

Have your clients been hiding money in an off-shore account? No need to admit it here, but the IRS is offering another (the most recent previous one was in 2009) amnesty program through August 31, 2011. Hidden offshore accounts currently risk detection by the IRS and...

Brand Recognition

Building a recognizable brand name takes time, but will ultimately keep existing clients loyal and attract new business as well. When developing your brand, you need to think about how you choose to run your business. Make sure when you establish your brand name, to...