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Our Clients

We provide services to a wide range of clients throughout the United States, including wirehouses, banks, RIAs, and ultra-high-net-worth investment boutiques. Our commitment is to find the perfect outcomes for you. Throughout every step, we prioritize your interests, ensuring that your representation is marked by the utmost professionalism and discretion. Our approach is grounded in the art of meticulous listening and gaining a profound understanding of your career aspirations.

We represent opportunities in these three channels:

W2 Channel
Wire-houses, Regionals, and Boutiques

Independent RIA or IBDs

Bank Channel


Transition compensation at wirehouses is currently at record-breaking levels. Advisors with significant, portable assets under management (AUM) are being presented with offers that can exceed 350% of their trailing 12-month revenue (T12), with a majority of this amount paid upfront. Likewise, top-tier bank advisors are also receiving record offers, which can total up to 300%. If you’re contemplating a move to a wirehouse or bank, this could be an opportune time to explore your options given the lucrative compensation packages currently available in the industry.


Transition compensation at wirehouses is currently at record-breaking levels. Advisors with significant, portable assets under management (AUM) are being presented with offers that can exceed 350% of their trailing 12-month revenue (T12), with a majority of this amount paid upfront. Likewise, top-tier bank advisors are also receiving record offers, which can total up to 300%. If you’re contemplating a move to a wirehouse or bank, this could be an opportune time to explore your options given the lucrative compensation packages currently available in the industry.


We specialize in representing a portfolio of Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), each with their unique philosophical orientations and offerings. Our goal is to assist you in identifying and connecting with firms that align with your current and future needs. While transitional compensation might not be as lucrative in this space, many RIAs offer attractive benefits such as high payouts and the opportunity for equity ownership, which can be more appealing for advisors looking to establish a long-term partnership. Please let us know your preferences and goals, and we’ll work diligently to find the right RIA match for you.


I tried cold calling, charitable work, networking, seminars and every other idea my wirehouse firm threw at me. Nothing got me in front of enough people to meet my goals!

Bank Advisor

Transitioned from Wirehouse

I get referrals every single day from my banking partners. In two years my assets have tripled and my comp has doubled. I also get to do what I love best which is planning.

Bank Advisor

Happy with The Move

I have bankers, lenders and trust people on tap to help with every case that needs experts. I didn’t want to leave the pretty office and sit in a bank. I was so wrong.             

Bank Advisor

Appreciates the Support

Let's Start a Conversation!

If you’ve decided to make a move, or even if you’re just thinking about making a move, start a relationship with the Financial Advisor Recruiters at Willis Consulting. We will look out for your best interests and advise you on your best move now or in the future.

  • Send us your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Los Angeles

719 Yarmouth Road, Suite 203

Palos Verdes Estates,

CA 90274


22601 North 19th Ave, Suite 229


AZ 85027