If you are a financial advisor looking to acquire or sell a practice, Willis-Consulting Inc. can assist you in the process. Our practice acquisition specialists will help manage your transition and assist you in structuring a satisfying agreement that compensates you for the hard work and dedication you’ve put into building your business.
If you are considering selling your business, (or acquiring one) it is important you find an acquisition advisor and financial firm you can trust, who shares your same values, and will treat your clients the way you have. Whether you decide to sell your practice outright, transition it over time, or scale back and work with select clients, we’ll help you do it your way.
Our clients are some of the nation’s largest advisor forces in the U.S. offering you the freedom to choose the most appropriate individual or practice for your clients’ needs. In addition you will have access to a wide range of products and services including stocks, bonds, proprietary and nonproprietary mutual funds, insurance, cash and tax management solutions, credit cards and managed money programs.
Even if you are only in the preliminary stages of “considering”, let us help you look at your options. Call today for consultation. (310) 373-7400 or (310) 221-1449 or (480)361-9490.