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CPAs as AdvisorsHow often does a CPA offer tax-efficient investment strategies to their clients? Quite frequently, actually, and without asking for additional pay for this financial advice.

John Azodi, a CPA and financial planner personally believes that “every CPA either needs to provide these investment services or be much more in-depth in understanding them.”

And to prove his point he is running a new program called “CPAs as Advisors” with Brokers International, an Indiana based annuity marketing company.

In two years, the program has taught new skills to 600 CPAs, 50 of which have made the transition to financial advisor.* (OnWallStreet.com, July 19, “New Program Helps CPAs Become Advisors”, by Ann Marsh)

His window of opportunity came in 1998 with the introduction of Roth IRA’s. After securing his securities licenses, his clients began opening Roths with him.

Five years ago, Azodi began focusing more on his financial advising practice, scaled back on his CPA work and tripled his income, an incentive for many to make the move, as CPAs on the average nationally make significantly less than planners.

“CPAs as Advisors” will be holding seminars throughout the US in the coming weeks.