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Financial Advisor Questions

What can Willis Consulting do for me?

Let’s face it, the financial services industry, specifically the financial advisory space, is rapidly changing. Willis Consulting helps financial advisors, financial consultants and wealth advisors navigate these changes with up-to date industry knowledge and a wealth of industry contacts.

What can Willis Consulting do for me?

We are experienced, discreet and have a meaningful track record of helping advisors find the “right financial firms” while striking the best deals.

What are the pros and cons of working with a fianacial advisor recruitment firm in representing my interests?

Avoid recruiting firms that try and sell you a solution.  At Willis Consulting we take a consultative approach.  We listen, learn, and then offer tailored suggestions to your unique circumstance.

If Willis Consulting is paid by the hiring firm, how can I be sure my best interests are represented fully?

We represent a large portfolio of firms spanning the financial service frontier.  We focus on you and actually offer unlimited choices.  Our exclusive goal is serving the financial advisor and his/her career goals.

Why shouldn’t I just explore opportunities with my contacts directly?

Highly compensated individuals in high profile professions commonly choose to be represented by an agency such as ours. Why? Because turning to a transition specialist at this unique time in your career is prudent. Just as your best clients need you at critical junctures, we are confident that we add significant value surrounding your potential transition.

As a Financial Advisor, what options do I have?

  • Bank Brokerage
  • Wirehouse
  • Independent Broker Dealer
  • RIA
  • Hybrid RIA

Can Willis help me transition to an RIA? (Breakaway Broker)

Yes: We have relationships with all the major custodians, aggregators, and service providers; We can help you establish your own RIA or we can help you join an existing RIA.

What firms do Willis’ consultants work with?

We work with many great client firms. We represent clients in all three channels: bank brokerage, wirehouse and independent; call us to review our current client list.

What kind of compensation and incentives are the major firms offering today?

Deals offered by firms ranging from wirehouses to custodian partnerships are ever changing.  The constant is they are always dependent your particular status, namely: Trailing 12, assets under management, portability of assets, and length of service in the industry.  Please contact us to determine how you and your practice might be valued by leading providers in various industry sectors. 

When is the right time to start planning for a future move?

It depends on many factors but generally 6 to 9 months before you intend to resign from your current firm.

Can I explore opportunities for the future, even if I’m not sure I am ready to make a move?

Of course. It can never hurt to know exactly what your options are now and in the future.

There is a lot of risk in a move; what percentage of my assets will typically move with me?

Typically, in excess of 70% of assets under management will move with you. If, for some reason, you do not think you will retain 70% of your assets then you may not be ready to make a move. Give us a call and let’s discuss where you’re at!

What are the qualifications to be considered for a top Financial Advisor Training program?

An ideal candidate has two or more years of demonstratively successful relationship sales experience. Access to existing spheres of influence such as accountancies, legal practices, professional organizations and or charitable organizations would be strong support for any candidate.

  • Send us your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Los Angeles

719 Yarmouth Road, Suite 203

Palos Verdes Estates,

CA 90274


22601 North 19th Ave, Suite 229


AZ 85027